I personally don't believe in to these characters called 'Gods'. Although I don't decline them. If I should put myself in to a box, I would write 'agnostic' in it. There's no evidence of god's existence but nor there is evidence that there can't be some supernatural power. There is lot of elements in world which make me have this little suspicion that something has designed and created it. Think about yourself, our world is BEAUTIFUL. Water, trees and human beings. Those things are masterpieces of design. Can you make artificial human being or water? I don't know. I can't. On the other hand, I don't believe that some bearded dude has been constructing this world of ours. Maybe some powerful force of nature? What you think? Is there some greater power out there or isn't there? I would like to hear some opinions of my readers.
I don't believe in any God either. One by one "proofs" of God's existence are disproved by science, logically explaining why this happens and so on so I don't really see any particular reason to think that there is a god.
VastaaPoistanot a big religious guy, but the idea of the Bah'ai religion (i believe i spelled it right) sounds very interesting. good post!
VastaaPoistaPersonally agnostic. I don't believe in any religion as I feel that religion was just a way to get people to act write in ancient times when there was no real incentive till then and such. I can be good without god.
VastaaPoistaAzurikai yes, you spelled it right. I have had few conversations with those people too. It's very interesting 'religious' view.
VastaaPoistaI'm more into science too but on the other hand there are lots of things that can't be explained with science. Life is so complicated :D
VastaaPoistaVery interesting thoughts you got there..